Board of Directors

The Board of Directors consists of the elected officers, standing committee chairmen and the immediate past president.

For Member Opportunities and Guidelines click here.


Co-Presidents: Linda O’Neill and Katherine Angley
First Vice President: Rebecca Freer Freedman
Second Vice President: Sharon Ferraguto
Recording Secretaries: Jeanne Burnell (Club meetings)
Debbie Fay (Board meetings)
Communications Secretary: Ellie Gilbert
Treasurer: Cynthia Sykes
Assistant Treasurer: Ellen Sexton
Parliamentarian: Paula Butterfield

Standing Committee Advisors and Chairpersons

Auditor Janet Voyer
Awards and Grants
Brewster Gardens
Manomet Library
Plymouth Library
Pat O’Brien
Colleen Costa
Coletta Candini, Debby Clark-Lalley
Conservation Joy Sand
Facebook Media Paula Butterfield
Floral Workshop Coordinator Susan Denehy
Garden Therapy
Historian Judy MacDonald
Horticulture Joy Sand
Hospitality Karen Baker
Immediate Past President Colleen Costa
Junior Gardeners Geri Williams
Newsletter Geri Williams
Nominating Committee Gail Conner
Publicity Suzanne Carchedi
Scholarship Geri Williams
Technical Director Crystal Payne
Ways & Means Diane Thomas
Website Maintenance Crystal Payne
Cynthia Sykes
Janet Voyer